Sunday, August 6, 2023

Initial Blog Release

Today is the first time we are releasing this blog to the general public. We have a lot of information already posted on Usher syndrome, with a special focus on India and Indians. But we have a lot more valuable information to add, and glitches to fix. We would like to welcome your suggestions on how we can improve this blog, to better cater to the needs of the Usher syndrome community in India.

  • Is the content accessible to you? Any suggestions on how we can make it more easily accessible?
  • What questions, topics, information would you like to see added here?
  • Do you feel that some information is not explained well, is misleading, or is wrong?
Please give us your constructive comments and suggestions.

Initial Blog Release

Today is the first time we are releasing this blog to the general public. We have a lot of information already posted on Usher syndrome, wit...